

Background to OECS Public Procurement Network

Under the OECS and Jamaica Strengthening Public Expenditure Management and Digital Governance Project, financed by a Trust Fund from the Department for International Development (UK), administered by the World Bank an OECS Procurement Reform Workshop was hosted at the CDB offices in Barbados June 20 – 21, 2017. Representatives of the OECS member states were invited to present the status of their procurement regimes and provide updates on their various reform initiatives.

The forum also sought to facilitate agreement on a unified approach to procurement reform within the OECS. It was in this vein that the idea was proposed for a web based forum where procurement practitioners could exchange ideas, experiences, best practices, reports, case studies, etc. An environment where based on our varied experiences from similar procurement backgrounds we can foster some degree of capacity building through shared experiences. Practitioners can also use the facility to discuss current issues and challenges via the chat forum. The OECS Public Procurement Network is designed to allow for the member states to showcase their procurement experiences and also provide a valuable resource sharing forum.

Additional information: https://www.caribank.org/newsroom/news-and-events/oecs-stakeholders-meet-barbados-discuss-public-procurement-reform